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Directed by=Geoffrey Rogers. Star=Brook Susan Parker. duration=1 Hour 55 M. Summary=A Christian documentary diving into the sex trafficking industry in the US exposing the darkness that fuels demand, highlighting survivors' transformations through Christ, and showing Christ as the hope for all involved. Year=2020. Blind eyes opened poster. Blind eyes opened movie near me. Blind eyes opened showtimes. Blind eyes opened release date. Blind eyes opened movie trailer. Blind eyes opened official trailer. Blind eyes opened movie. Blind eyes opened movie times. Jesus opened blind eyes. Blind eyes opened reviews.

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Watch Blind Eyes Opened (2020) Full Movie Online In Reddit For Free Blind Eyes Opened (2020) A Christian documentary diving into the sex trafficking industry in the US exposing the darkness that fuels demand, highlighting survivors' transformations through Christ, and showing Christ as the hope for all involved. Date: Fri, Jan 24 • 7:00 AM GMT+6 Source Location: GQT Savoy 16 IMAX, Savoy, Illinois, United States. I've kept something to myself nearly my entire life. As a child, I had a friend. My, only friend at that time to be honest. I was 8 years old and was having a tough time getting to sleep one night. I was tossing and turning in aggravation at my inability to relax. My bedroom was on the second story of the house with my parents' bedroom directly below me. I knew I had to keep my irritated flailing to a minimum or my dad would wake up followed by a slap on my behind. My father wasn't a mean person, just stern. Directly outside my window was a large tree. Every so often, one branch would grow long enough to reach my window and would scrape against it. This may seem a little strange but... I always found the sound oddly relaxing so it never bothered me much. However, every so often I would open my window to trim it a bit before it does any real damage to the window. While I was usually never bothered by the sound, tonight was the exception as the scraping was becoming more and more irritating. My eyes shot open as I came to the realization that... I had just trimmed that branch a couple days ago. There was no way it could have grown the length it needed to reach my window. I slowly looked over to my window, following the trail of moonlight that streamed through it. What I saw the tree. meone was watching me from just outside my window. I sat straight up in shock at the sudden sight. What appeared in front of me was... a human form human. It's dark grey skin was shriveled and dry. It's skinny limbs were reminiscent of a victim of starvation. One of its bony hands was pressed against the window pane, sliding down slowly. This was the scratching noise I was hearing. While my initial reaction was shock, I was not afraid in the least. As an adult right now, I cannot explain why I wasn't scared out of my mind to see a creature like this staring at me from outside but... I simply stared back. It's eyes were pure black as it continued its gaze. A smile began to form on its decayed looking face. "Hello, child. " -it said in a low, raspy voice. "" -I replied with an inflection of a question. " are you? Why are you staring at me through my window? " -I continued nervously. "I do not have a name, only a purpose. " -it answered while grinning wider. It's answer confused me but I ignored my confusion and continued my questions to... whatever this thing was. "Why are you here? " -I asked. "To fulfill that purpose. I don't mean to frighten you child. I mean you no harm. I was rious. " -it replied in a way as to not fully answer my question. "How can I hear you through the glass? What are you? " -I asked as I lifted myself off my bed. "I don't I am, just what I am meant to do. " -it said while tilting his head to the side. "You're the first of your kind to see me. This intrigues me. " -it continued. I walked towards my window, noticing the ragged clothing hanging from parts of it's thin body. "Are you floating? " -I quickly asked as I looked down to the ground from my window. It smiled and let out a small laugh. It was seemingly amused by my interest and my childish wonder. "I like you" -it said while continuing to grin at me. More and more questions popped in my head. As I opened my mouth to ask another, it put its shriveled hand up to stop me. "I must go now young one. I have much to do I have your permission to visit you again? " -it asked while slowly hovering away. "Yes, please! " -I said excitedly. It didn't speak again and simply vanished around the corner of my house. I was transfixed while watching it float away. I didn't sleep a wink that night as my adrenaline and thoughts of what had just occurred made sure of that. Once morning arrived, I made my way down to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal. As I ate my breakfast at the kitchen table, I heard a siren in the distance. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, I continued while reading the kiddie jokes on the back of the cereal box. The wailing from the siren became louder and louder. I jumped up in excitement as I realized it was passing through my neighborhood. I ran to the front room window and peered through the blinds. After a few seconds, I spotted an ambulance coming down the road. I smiled in delight, as a child my age, I don't get to see things like this too often. I wish I hadn't. My smile turned to a look of confusion as the in front of my driveway. Stomping sounds were heard as my mother rushed down the stairs to run outside. I saw her frantically plea with the medics, pointing to our house. A terrible feeling went through me as I began to father was still upstairs. I began to walk towards the stairs when the EMTs busted through the door making their way in. I watched in horror as they carried my father out on a stretcher. He passed away in his sleep of a heart attack. He wasn't discovered until the morning by my mother. That day, my mother and I spent the whole day My father was gone. I slept in my mothers room that night not wanting to be alone. The events of that day put my out of my mind. The next day my mother asked me to take the rest of the week off from school which, as an 8 year old, I had zero issues with. I decided to sleep in my own room from here on out. It wasn't long after I had fallen asleep, I heard a familiar scratching on my window. I came out of my grogginess slowly and looked towards the window. My friend was back with its palm flat against the window. "Oh, hello. " -I said while rubbing my eyes. "I came to visit you last night but you were in your mother's room. Do you often do that? " -it said sounding as interested in me as I was in it. "No! I'm a big boy. " -I said with aggression. It tilted its head in confusion as I slowly looked towards the ground and began crying. "I, ahem, my dad died last ither of us wanted to be alone. " -I said slightly under my breath. It straightened its head up. If it had eyebrows, they would have been curled. " death of you? -it inquired in a confused tone. "HE WAS MY FATHER! " -I yelled back. I immediately covered my mouth knowing my mother could have heard me. My sudden outburst startled my friend as it jolted back at my reaction. "I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell" -I softly said after a few seconds of silence. "I believe I understand child. " -it said trying to offer it's condolences. "All people must move on when it's their time. your father's time. " I could tell its cold words were an attempt to comfort me. I slowly looked back up to it. "Move on to where? " -I asked with tears welled in my eyes. "I... I don't know where. That's not for me to know. There is a void in which all souls move to when they die but... I do not know what's on the other side, nor intend to know. " -it replied, trying to explain the best it could. "How do you know that? " -I asked in a confrontational tone. "Because young one, it is my job to bring them there. " -it said in a more confident tone. I raised my eyebrow in confusion as I looked into its black eyes. My dozens upon dozens of questions from the previous night had narrowed down to one. " take my father there the other night? " -I asked Several seconds went by as it pondered its reply. "Yes. " -it stated simply. "That's why i was here. It was his time and I was here to collect him. I'm often curious about your kind, which is why I was looking in to your room. I was not anticipating that you could see me though. None do. " " we be friends? " -I said, holding back my tears. Its frame straightened up as if motivated by my words. " -it replied while wearing that same skinny smile. We talked through most of the night. My friend and I were trying to get an understanding of each other's... existence. It had never spoken to a human before and was equally as intrigued with me as I was with it. Monday morning I decided to go back to school. At the soonest I could, I made my way to the library. I wanted to see if there had been any recorded documents similar to what I was experiencing. I didn't know where to look so I asked a librarian. " me, do you have any books on... " I nervously looked away suddenly embarrassed by my question. ". people's souls when they die? " "You mean like The Grim Reaper? " -she said with an amused smile. I shrugged my shoulders in confusion. She led me to a section with several books involving this... "Grim Reaper". I skimmed through them all, trying to dig up any info I could. The pictures in the books of what this Grim Reaper looked like, looked nothing like my friend. This iteration was more of a skeleton clothed in robes. While my friend was looking, it was not a skeleton. I checked out 3 of the books and made my way home. I anxiously awaited my friend's arrival to inform him of the research I'd done. I could almost set my watch by it as it arrived at the exact same time as the previous nights. I hastily ran to my window to show it what I've found. "Are you the Grim Reaper? " -I asked excitedly. After a look of confusion and a brief pause, it replied, "I do not know this 'Grim Reaper' you mention. This is the first I've heard of such a thing. does appear your people know something of us. " "Us? " -I replied confused. It nodded its head, "There are many of us. I don't know how many but, just one of us could not possibly escort the amount of souls this realm produces. " "Where did you come from? " -I asked now back to my confused state. "I don't know. I've always been here. I don't remember a time when I didn't exist. " -it replied tilting its head once again. "Why do you take souls? Do you get paid? " -I asked innocently It let out a laugh seemingly amused by my questions. I too laughed with a grin at my own question. It's laughter turned to silence as it put it's head down as if to ponder my question. It slowly lifted its head to match its black eyes to mine. "I take souls 's what I do. That's what I am. I cannot explain further than that. " -it stated in a more firm tone. Do you ever have that one thing in life that you wish you could forget? I asked it a question that, to this day, I regret. The knowledge of what it gave me is... terrifying, and the reason I've kept this a secret for so long. "Wait... " -I said in confusion. "I remember looking at my clock the night you took my father. It was around mom told me the doctors said my dad's heart attack started around 11:00pm. You visited me first... I thought you only come for them after they die? Did you know he was about to die? " It stared at me, as if it wanted to tell me something but didn't know how. After a long, quiet pause, it replied. "Yes, I knew your father was going to die. " -it said in a sad tone as if it didn't want me to hear the words. " didn't you warn me? " -I asked with a glare. Another quite pause filled the air. "Can you see into the future? Do you know when I'm going to die? " -I pleaded. "No child, I cannot see into the future. When it's someones have to end their time here. " -it answered begrudgingly. A shocking realization came over me. My eyes widened as I looked deep into its black, cold eyes. "Did my father? " -I asked as I stared straight ahead. It stared at me for a brief moment of quietness. "'s how we extract them from their physical form. They must be killed when it's their time. " -It said knowing his words would bring me pain. "Why didn't you let him die first! " -I yelled in frustration as I began regretting naming my friend. "Young one... " -it pleaded with me. "That's not how it works. " My look of anger quickly morphed into a look of confusion. It continued, "When left alone, humans are inherently immortal. They CANNOT die on their own. Their bodies will shrivel and weaken. They will only know pain and suffering as their own form betrays them. It is my job to free them of this and bring them to a new place, void of such suffering. " I stared in disbelief as it described a reality I was not prepared for. My mouth hung open in shock at what I had just heard. "Your kind suffer from diseases and viruses will never succumb to the disease, you will never die from the virus. It's 's us that end it for you when your body is at its breaking point. Your father's heart attack would not have killed him but his body would never have recovered. It was his time. " -it continued to explain as I plopped on the floor at the sudden realization. friend and I continued to remain friends through my adulthood. I lived my entire life with this knowledge and it's been nothing less than torture. I don't blame my friend though. It did not know what kind of pain I would endure. The term "ignorance is bliss" couldn't have more meaning for me. I am writing this from my hospital bed. I can feel the cancer inside my body has reached the point of no return. It is soon time. I my friend be here to meet.


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